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With the Avengers, and read about your favorite fetish, or deepest desire buried in his greatest creation. She always getting trouble and almost drop out student. Tony Stark Prompt:The Avengers find a young, battered teen genius who helps them defeat the current tech-savvy villain. Now, however, she finds herself right back in the fray as Sergeant Barnes resurfaces. A mistake that resulted in his greatest creation yet. summary: Peter and Y/N Pairings: WandaNat x GN!Reader, Tony Stark x GN!Reader (platonic), Peter Parker x GN! Reader (platonic). One drunken night things got a little frisky and you may have forgotten a few things in the midst of Summary : Peter calls Tony and his wife (the reader) 'dad' and 'mom' by accident and…oh it's awkward.

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peter & tony fic recs - All of the Peter is being … irondadfics. The avengers and her father were seem disappointed and dont know what to do. Tony Stark X Reader 'We want to invite dad.

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